Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It takes all kinds of personalities

I have a small faith group that I belong to with about 7 ladies from my Parish.  We meet once a month at a local coffeehouse and discuss a topic, usually a virtue.  We use the Faith-filled Catholic Women's Bible and study guides, which I highly recommend.  It's very therapeutic to be able to spend some time away from home and work with ladies who can relate to my struggles, challenges, and can celebrate with me in my triumphs.  We're all around the same age and are mothers.  We come from different backgrounds but all support each other spiritually and emotionally.    

Today, while discussing our topic of Peace, it came up as it has in prior meetings, about different personality styles.  We're a pretty varied group.  Some of us quite extroverted (I'll admit, I'm one), and others very quiet and more introverted.  It's a wonderful mix and makes for great discussions.  Today we were discussing our personality style versus our husband's style.  It was amazing how so many of us are very opposite, personality wise anyway, from our spouse.

As in my case, I am what my husband loveingly dubs "his social butterfly".  I love being around people and HATE being alone.  If I am off work and no one is in the house, I'm out either shopping or looking for someone to eat lunch with or visit.  My mom is a pretty good standby for such occasions.  I would never eat alone at a restaurant or watch a movie alone. The thought would never even cross my mind.  

My better half on the other hand I think would sometimes prefer to eat alone.  He is just fine with his own company and has even been to the movies by himself.  He can't imagine how I can spend 3 1/2 hours with an old friend at Hideaway "catching up".  He can't fathom how we would have enough to say.  I on the other hand can not imagine why he has such a difficult time in social situations.  I always loved the company Christmas parties whereas he'd dread going.  But being the loving husband he is, he would faithfully attend with me, patiently waiting for the evening to end.   

But as my ladies and I agreed tonight, opposites do indeed attract.  As I pointed out, if my husband talked as much as I do, we'd be in terrible trouble!  He is very introverted and quiet, but is a WONDERFUL listener.  He has the ability to let me vent and get it out of my system and then be my voice of reason.  I need his calming personality to help offset my hyper one.   

Personalities played a very important role in who Jesus chose to be his disciples as well.  They were all across the spectrum with varied personalities.  Peter seemed impulsive, passionate, but yet conservative.  James and John were thought of as boisterous and fervent.  Thomas was more on the gloomy, pessimistic side while Andrew was positive.  Matthew appeared quite methodical and Philip was not very confident.  So if Jesus loved each of these faithful people, with their numerous personalities and flaws, we have complete faith that He loves each of us. There is room in the life of the Church as well as the Kingdom for each of our personalities. 


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