The other day in the Confirmation class I'm assisting in we discussed recognizing gifts and talents that God has given us as well as other. Every one of us is given special gifts that God wishes us to discover and use in this life. Some of us are blessed with the ability to speak in front of others, teach children, make quick medical decisions under pressure, sing, dance, play an instrument, help others recognize and solve problems, or care for the elderly.
Our talents can change over time and some may not actually be discovered until we are much older. Our life experiences can help us to realize we have a special gift that had previously remained hidden. Maybe a daughter has to care for her aging parents and realized though this experience that she has a gift of making the elderly feel comfortable. She could use this gift by visiting those who are in nursing homes or who are home bound. Working in the ministry of Pastoral Care could be an opportunity she has to use this talent. Or maybe she is being called to be a nurse or doctor.
It was not until my son was in cub scouts that I realized that I enjoyed teaching children. I started by volunteering with scouts and it has grown into a love of teaching. I've been teaching religious education for several years now to 3rd graders. Their awe and wonder when learning about our Lord is uplifting and inspiring. I love teaching them. I've also taught boy scout religious awards to the older boys. To hear their thoughts on their future and see how they've matured over the years is amazing.
Each person has to discern on what their true vocation is. What it is that God wants them to do with the gifts and talents He has bestowed on them. You never know when something will happen in your life and it's sole intention is to cause you to be aware of a possible vocation you never knew existed. God works in mysterious ways. Keep a prayerful watch for where He is leading you and trust in Him. Pray you are open to receive whatever gift He gives you and you have the passion to use it.
Our talents can change over time and some may not actually be discovered until we are much older. Our life experiences can help us to realize we have a special gift that had previously remained hidden. Maybe a daughter has to care for her aging parents and realized though this experience that she has a gift of making the elderly feel comfortable. She could use this gift by visiting those who are in nursing homes or who are home bound. Working in the ministry of Pastoral Care could be an opportunity she has to use this talent. Or maybe she is being called to be a nurse or doctor.
It was not until my son was in cub scouts that I realized that I enjoyed teaching children. I started by volunteering with scouts and it has grown into a love of teaching. I've been teaching religious education for several years now to 3rd graders. Their awe and wonder when learning about our Lord is uplifting and inspiring. I love teaching them. I've also taught boy scout religious awards to the older boys. To hear their thoughts on their future and see how they've matured over the years is amazing.
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