I've noticed more and more recently that respect, manners, and politeness seems to be a thing of the past. Just this morning, I was driving in to work and due to construction 3 lanes have to merge into one. Someone in a blue car decided to wait until the last minute and then squeeze right in front of me causing me to have to break fast. Then in the parking garage after I got to work, I waited for someone who was coming toward the stairwell and held the door for her. She just looked at me and walked right in with not as much as a thank you or good morning. Then as I'm making it into the building and heading toward the elevator, a lady sees me coming and hurries in and almost lets me get squished by the elevator doors. Then on the way home I'm talking on the phone to a family member and she comments that I've "really packed on the pounds lately".
Wow, what is happening to our society that we forget to say thank you, don't hold open doors, and make rude comments? We've become an "every man for himself" society and common courtesy has become a faint memory. We don't teach and demand respect from our children, we expect others to follow the Golden Rule but it doesn't apply to us, and we have just gotten downright rude.
But, at the end of the work day, just when I thought all was lost and chivalry was dead,a male co worker let me off the elevator first, another co worker texted that the highway was backed up due to a wreck and to avoid taking it, and my 2 little boys helped set the table without complaining. Even my 23 month old said "thank you" (her new word she learned last week) when I picked up her overturned little car she rides around the house in.
So I guess there is hope for our society after all. :)
Wow, what is happening to our society that we forget to say thank you, don't hold open doors, and make rude comments? We've become an "every man for himself" society and common courtesy has become a faint memory. We don't teach and demand respect from our children, we expect others to follow the Golden Rule but it doesn't apply to us, and we have just gotten downright rude.
But, at the end of the work day, just when I thought all was lost and chivalry was dead,a male co worker let me off the elevator first, another co worker texted that the highway was backed up due to a wreck and to avoid taking it, and my 2 little boys helped set the table without complaining. Even my 23 month old said "thank you" (her new word she learned last week) when I picked up her overturned little car she rides around the house in.
So I guess there is hope for our society after all. :)
I've noticed that also, please seem to have lost all sense of politeness. good post