Today is Mother's Day and as I look at my 4 beautiful and healthy children, I am reminded yet again about how blessed I am. I have been a mother for 17 years now. It'll be the longest job I ever have, the job I make the least money in, but reap the most rewards. I have kissed many a boo boo, given millions of hugs, dried tons of tears, clapped at many accomplishments, waved goodbye as they headed to school, listened to lots of stories, tried to give advice, and smiled with my heart exploding when they have made me so proud.
I don't think there is a responsibility as important as a parent and I don't think anything compares to a Mother's love. From the moment we find out we're expecting, we have a love for this new life, this blessing from God, living in us. We are the first to feel the movements, little kicks and even hiccups, and even though it may make us run to the bathroom 4 times a night, we do it all with a loving devotion.
We suffer through the toddler years, taking the good with the bad. We take the back seat when our child discovers their friends. We become an afterthought as they become teenagers and discover cars, jobs, and the opposite sex. But then the tables turn. As they move into college and adulthood and discover the struggles of life, all of a sudden they realize they need the woman who stood by all these years with such a quiet and loving devotion.
They need her shoulder to cry on when life is hard. They need her advice as they realize she really does know what she's talking about. They look to her for her loving support and motivation as they find their place in the world. This is what a Mother waits for, to be needed. For a Mother's love is undying, unwavering, and unconditional.
Happy Mother's Day!