"Remember that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt
Today is Ash Wednesday and so another season Lent begins. This is the perfect time for us to reflect on our spiritual life. People are always asking each other "what did you give up", trying to compare who gave up the most difficult item. But as I encourage my 3rd grade religious ed kids, think of Lent as more than just giving up something. Think of it as a time to add something.
We are asked to give up meat on Friday's during Lent and many people give up some sort of indulgence, such as chocolate, wine, social network sites, etc. That is wonderful as it keeps our mind focused on sacrificing and reminds us how Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. But I challenge you to add something to your spiritual life as well. Take a retreat, read the Bible as a family, pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet or some other devotional, begin to say the rosary daily, or anything else to bring you closer to God. If you have been away from the Sacrament of Reconciliation for a while, now is the time to return and receive God's healing grace.
That is what I think the main point of Lent is; not just giving up, but drawing closer to God and enriching our relationship with Him.
One year I decided to attend the weekly Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings during Lent at our Parish. It was amazing how it refocused any Earthly worries I had as I pondered the agony and pain our Lord suffered during His Passion. It made any troubles I had going on in my life seem minimal to say the least. Another year I prayed a devotional to Our Lady nightly before going to bed. It was a challenge as I am so tired before going to bed, but it was nice to end the day with prayer and to feel Our Lady's closeness as she interceded for me.
This year, I plan to take online courses to become a better catechist. I have been putting it off for months now due to lack of time, but it is something that I am going to focus on this Lenten season. Currently I pray the rosary daily on my drive into work. I have about a 25-30 minute drive due to traffic and it is a perfect time to pray the rosary. I have also been attending daily Mass for a year now since the Cathedral is just 2 blocks from my work and they offer a Noon Mass. Very recently I purchased a Divine Mercy Chaplet song version CD and listen to it on the way home. Just those 3 things alone have made such a tremendous difference in my life. I feel more focused on what is important, I do not worry as much as I used to, I am more happy and content, and I feel more loving toward my neighbors. It is honestly something you have to experience, words alone can not describe it.
As I'm getting ready for Mass tonight, I will keep my mind on the sacrifice of our Lord, His eternal love for us, and His eagerness to become closer to us during this Lenten season. I pray others will do the same.